Thursday, October 04, 2007

Black Hole

Yes, Ravelry is a black hole. It sucks the day light, time, and energy outta you like there is no tomorrow - in a very cool and fun way! I've been adding my stash and projects whenever I can. Although none of them have pictures - because I am AGAINST Flickr. I am a Picasa user and I love it, and here is why:

1. Picasa is free. Flickr is also free, to a point. As long as you only use 3 folders, it is free. Now tell me, do you only have three folders for all pictures?
2. Picasa loads automatically whenever I open it. Once you set up the link in the beginning, it will look for new pictures from that folder and load it into the software. It organizes it in folder style so whatever you got in your hard drive, it is like that over there. Flickr - you gotta drag into it, not automatic.

So I am anti-flickr, although I do have an account because of SoS 2007, but I didn't end up using it anyways, so I wish I had never joined.

So until Ravelry comes out a way to load pictures via Picasa, I might be just that ONE pictureless Raveler.


Anonymous said...

Yeah we all figured when you didn't show Wednesday night that you were home on Raverly. :-P
Hmm...I'm gonna have to try Picasa. I'm a photobucket girl but Picasa sounds pretty cool.
ps. As of this morning only 1383 people ahead of me!!

Anonymous said...

The ability to use Picasa and other photo gallery sites depends on how "open" the systems are. Flickr has a huge set of tools for developers to tap into, and it's not clear what Picasa offers and what (if anything) Google will allow you to do as part of their service agreement. I read the Ravelry forum every now and then, and I think they're definitely looking into Picasa, but it's anybody's guess how much they can do with it at this point.