Sunday, May 18, 2008


Without further ado, as promised -

Pattern - Kiri by Polly Outhwaite
Yarn Used - 663.5 yards of Schaefer Andrea in Julia Child
Needles - Harmony size 4
Gauge - N/A
Knit - April 08, 08 to May 11, 2008
Modification - None.

This pattern was very easy to knit. It starts from the top center and works its way out and down. It is a fairly quick knit compare to some other shawls or stole I made before. It can get kind of boring towards the end though with lots of stitches.

The yarn is divine! It is easy to work with and absolutely gorgeous! It's good that I have three more skeins and I can't wait to work with them.

Isn't it pretty? Now, onto the next project!


KnelleyBelley said...

It's a beauty. I'm so happy to see that you didn't lay it down on the deck this time!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You're amazing--Kiri , she so is not "easy!".
Love it in that yarn.

Archiknist said...

It's gorgeous--I'm starting to feel like making something Kiri-like.

Hey, your Hemlock Ring blanket: do you remember how many reps you knit of the feather and fan part you knit? And what size the blanket turned out?

Robin said...


Sunflowerfairy said...

Beautiful, Jenn. I love it!